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Futures, secured.

A life of hard work, complimented with a comfortable retirement plan, to brighten up your prospects. 

Retirement Saving Plan


Bancassurance saving plans, to help you secure your future, are offered in collaboration with Allianz SNA. These include:

Retirement Saving Plan

The Cedrus Retirement Saving Plan supports clients to increase their savings, offering a high return on investment, and provides them with a life insurance policy for a minimum of a USD50 premium per month.

Allianz SNA provides beneficiaries with the set insurance capital or the invested amount (whichever is higher) in the event of:

  • Death (natural or accidental)
  • Total Permanent Disability (TPD) – Optional
  • Passive war – Optional

Allianz SNA also provides the policy holder with the invested amount and return at the policy maturity.


  • An obligatory savings concept
  • Option to receive, at maturity, the amount saved as a lump sum or in 10 yearly annuities
  • Secures capital from inflation by annually increasing the premium from 1% to 10%
  • Secures a minimum of 3.5% annual rate of return on investments for the accumulated amount, from the date of issue, guaranteed by Allianz SNA and subject to the prevailing taxes, currently at 10%
  • Chances of receiving additional returns on investment, based on Allianz SNA yearly dividends rate
  • Option to increase regular payment amount at the policy’s anniversary or to make an exceptional payment anytime
  • Option to domicile the monthly premium on Cedrus Bank credit card for free
  • Option to modify the insured amount and beneficiaries.
  • Policies issued and delivered to clients on the spot at the branch in standard cases (i.e.: those that do not require any underwriting from Allianz SNA)

Which Card Suits Your Needs

We have made it simple for you to choose your ideal card. We offer a range of cards to suit your needs.